2014年4月22日 星期二

Floating Clipboard - Getting Start

Do you need login to several web site on your phone ?
Don't you think it's annoying to type the same words all the time ?
Hope Line or Facebook have some canned messages ?
Is it inconvenient to type something on phone ?

This App solve most of these troubles. Go Google Play and download "Floating Clipboard"

This App can help you quick copy some text from list ( I call it "Clip" in this App ) that you've pre-created. Just copy and paste anywhere you need.

And more five helpful feature :
  1. Floating Window - Floating window on the top.
  2. Minimize automatically - Minimize automatically after copying text.
  3. Quick input - Type words on floating window. Convenient when using full screen App.
  4. Share Text -Quick store text from other App via "Share text"
  5. History- Record all text you've copied. *1
[*1] : Need Android 3.0+  and the app must running ,50 records max.

漂浮剪貼簿 - 簡易說明

希望 Line  和 Facebook 有罐頭訊息可以快速回覆嗎?


有以上症頭,請速速前往 Google Play 下載《漂浮剪貼簿》

  1. 浮動視窗 - 浮動在螢幕最上層,使用超級方便 !!
  2. 自動縮小 - 複製完文字之後視窗會自己縮小,不會擋到您。
  3. 快速輸入 - 直接在浮動式窗上輸入文字,在看圖片或玩遊戲打字的時候很方便!!
  4. 分享文字 - 別的 App 可以快速分享文字到剪貼簿中儲存
  5. 歷史紀錄 - 記錄所有您曾經複製過的文字 *1
[*1] : Android 3.0+ , 程式必須是執行中(縮小或隱藏都可以),上限為 50 筆資料。